10 Women in Fintech You Need to Know

Throughout my career, I have had the incredible honor of meeting and working alongside some of the world's brightest minds. People who wake up everyday to work on solutions for our world's problems and to create products that transform industries.

A great deal of these brilliant people are women. Women who, despite at times being underestimated, undervalued, and underrepresented, rose above whatever barriers stood in their way in order to achieve their vision for the future. 

The theme of this year's International Women's Day is "Break the Bias", a call to action for all of us to identify and wipe out gender bias in our workplaces and in our individual actions. 

To celebrate this day and to recognize the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, I have put together a list of 10 women in the fintech industry who you need to know. I listed only 10 here for brevity, though I could list hundreds of more who I am lucky enough to call friends. Head over to their interviews to learn about their stories and impact they are making on the world.

10 Women in Fintech You Need to Know

1. Sharon’s Fortune Bowden, Client Technical Leader, IBM

2. Susan Ehrlich, Board Member, Fintech Advisor, Investor & Consultant

3. Sophie Giubaud, Co-Founder & Chief Growth Officer, Fiat Republic

4. Kisha Alison, Head of Content, Money20/20

5. Mariquit Corcoran, Group Chief Innovation Officer, Barclays

6. Regina Chien, Director of Post Launch, Marqeta

7. Tanya Van Court, Founder and CEO, Goalsetter

8. Jill Castilla, President & CEO, Citizens Bank of Edmond

9. Ramona Ortega, Founder and CEO, My Money My Future

10. Peggy Van De Plassche, Managing Partner, Roar Ventures

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