Best of 2021

2021 marked the third year of running my series, Tech Tuesday. I was honored again to host some of the brightest minds in tech and various other industries - people who are innovating and transforming current systems and building a better future. 

I have so much gratitude for not only my guests, who gave their time and expertise, but also to you all, dear readers. Your readership and engagement with the series keeps it going and make all the back and forth emailing, recording, editing, writing and beyond worth it.

To wrap out the year, I pulled the top 5 most viewed interviews from 2021. Each of these interviews gives us a snapshot of where we were, so that we can better predict and plan for what's next.

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Sustainable Finance with Sarah Biller

The Future of 401K with Sheridan Clayborne

The Evolution of GeoData with Marusia Musacchio

Employer Impact on Financial Wellness with Romy Pazick

Building a Developer Ecosystem from Scratch with Bo Jiang