Democratizing Access to Capital

Meet Preeti Adhikary: A woman with an incredible background who is doing so many things to make the world a better place.

In addition to her role as Senior Manager of Policy & Implementation at Innovations for Poverty Action, Preeti is also active in the venture capital world as a Venture Partner with Republic and a Venture Fellow with Alumni Ventures and Laconia. Her work in this area is centered in connecting underrepresented founders to capital.

Although we have evolved so much as a society, access to capital is still a huge barrier for entrepreneurs from marginalized backgrounds or smaller countries and cities.

Throughout her life's travels - born in Nepal and then living in Canada, Singapore, and now the U.S. - Preeti has seen that good ideas and hardworking people are everywhere. But many don't have the exposure, mentorship, guidance, and education that come with access to the VC ecosystem.

Listen to our full conversation to learn more about the evolving VC space, which areas in the world are hotbeds for talent, and hear Preeti's advice for any unrepresented founder hoping to get their idea heard.

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