Embedded Finance: Changing all Industries

Meet Mariquit Corcoran, Group Chief Innovation Officer at Barclays. In her role, Mariquit has many responsibilities but one of the things she is most passionate about for 2021 and beyond is the impact of embedded finance across industries. In her words, the future of embedded finance is a world in which "what used to be complex becomes easy."

As many of you know, embedded finance is near and dear to my heart and is certainly not a new topic on this series and one of the things that makes it so great is that it can be discussed from so many angles. Simply put, it is creating more options for customers to pay for goods and services from their favorite brands. It's simplifying and streaming all types of financial processes, some of which are unnecessarily complex. And it's touching all industries.

Take, for example, the music industry. Innovative companies are using embedded finance to help musicians get paid directly by fans, giving artists independence from the industry's complex systems and more power over their own finances.

Read below and listen to our conversation to learn more about Mariquit's role, how Barclays is partnering with companies around the world, and how embedded finance will simplify our lives.

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