The Future of E-Commerce

Meet Tui Allen, Senior Product Lead for Banking at Shopify. What does a product lead for banking at Shopify do? To use Tui's words "I am responsible for helping entrepreneurs move from being overwhelmed and underserved to being in control so that they can achieve financial freedom." 

The way we shop has changed and the last year has accelerated this greatly. While so much of the focus has been on the impact on consumers, it is impossible to overlook this impact on small businesses. In the last year, large segments of the population that hadn't yet adjusted to online shopping were suddenly forced to which required mom and pop shops and small businesses to rethink how best to interact with their customers. The pandemic has validated that small businesses have been underserved from a digital perspective and players like Shopify are expanding their reach within this market. Listen in below as Tui and I discuss how Shopify views it's position in the fintech landscape and where she believes the future of e-commerce is going.

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