Tech Tuesday: A 2020 Look at Financial Wellness


Meet Rebecca Liebman, CEO and Co-founder of LearnLux, a financial wellness company. We first met Rebecca on Tech Tuesday last July and both Rebecca and the company have continued to prosper since, including being honored on a national stage as a recipient of Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Award for the category of Education.

I am bringing Rebecca and our interview back to light because the role of financial wellness is more important than ever. Many American’s personal finances have been affected by COVID-19, and our country’s levels of financial stress are higher than ever. To support employees, employers and the greater community, LearnLux has launched the How to Financially Navigate COVID-19 resource page.

As a reminder, LearnLux helps employers reduce financial stress in the workplace by offering employees a high tech, high touch financial wellness platform. Our program blends digital lessons and interactive tools with on-demand Financial Advisors to provide unbiased, holistic financial wellness. As a result, employees feel financially confident, which makes them happier, more productive and more engaged at work. 

Listen in below as Rebecca and I discuss the realities of financial wellness and what companies in particular can do to help their employees improve their relationship with money.

Click here to read the full article on LinkedIn…